The Nutritional Composition, Antioxidant Activity and Common Phytochemicals of Selected BARI Mango Varieties and Commercial Cultivar Langra Phytochemical and Antioxidant Activities of BARI mango varieties
The present study sought to explore the nutritional composition, bioactive phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of BARI mango-4, BARI mango-6 and Langra cultivar. The total phenolic (TPH), vitamin C, total carotene, ß-carotene content and antioxidant activity of the mangos were determined by 1,1- diphenyl-2picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging and reducing power assays (RPA). Phenolic compounds were assessed using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a photodiode array detector and auto sampler. Results revealed that moisture, TSS, pH, total acidity, reducing, total sugar and energy of the BARI mango-4 and BARI mango-6 were 76.54 and 75.24 %, 17.10°B and 21.20°B, 4.90 and 5.01, 0.49 and 0.50 %, 3.90 and 4.54 %, 11.20 and 13.46 % and 4028.06 and 3950.27 cal/g respectively whereas the Langra cultivar remained 76.33 %, 17.63°B, 4.25, 0.63 %, 2.79 %, 9.79 % % and 3871.28 cal/g respectively. Phytochemicals especially TPH, ascorbic acid, total flavonoid (TF), total carotenoid (TC), ß-carotene and total anthocyanin content (TAC) of the BARI mango-4 and BARI mango-6 were 20.53 and 20.67 mg GAE/g, 39.98 and 26.26 mg/100 g, 3.14 mg and 2.87 QE/g, 76.38 and 81.33 mg/100 g, 28.17 and 65.84 µg/100 g and 1.67 and 11.69 mg/100 respectively whereas the Langra contained 19.90 mg GAE/g, 25.53 mg/100g, 1.38 mg QE/g, 4.21 mg/100 g, 31.00 µg/100 g and18.22 mg/100 g respectively. In case of antioxidant activities total antioxidant capacity, DPPH radical scavenging activity, reducing power capacity (RPC), metal chelating capacity (MCC), Nitric oxide (NO) free radical scavenging activity and IC50 of the BARI mango-4 and BARI mango-6 were 229.00 and 309.00 µg of ascorbic acid/mg of extract, 96.84 and 94.73 %, 12.20 and 9.71 µg/mL, 157.36 and 132.89 %, 61.74 and 72.65 µg/mL and 0.59 and 0.71 µg/mL respectively whereas the Langra cultivar contained 194.25 µg of ascorbic acid/mg of extract, 87.94 %, 2.54 µg/mL, 177.80 %, 53.74 µg/mL and 25.11 µg/mL respectively. The results indicate that BARI mango-4 and BARI mango-6 exhibited rich source of TPH, TC, ß-carotene, ascorbic acid, TA, TAC and NO free radical scavenging activity whereas the Langra is the rich source of MCC and anthocyanin content. Phenolic acids were leading agent in BARI mango-4 and BARI mango-6. Moreover, BARI mango-4 and BARI mango-6 extract had a great potential to fight free radical chain reactions and for usage in therapeutic applications.
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