Heat of Combustion of Coffee Pulp and Husks as Alternative Sources of Renewable Energy
The study determined the amount of heat energy (heat of combustion) produced per unit mass from coffee pulp and coffee husks to see if these can be used as alternative sources of energy. The samples were obtained from Mount Elgon areas in Eastern Uganda. The objectives determined the amount of heat produced per unit mass from coffee husk and pulp and compared the amount of heat produced per unit mass from the coffee husk and coffee pulp. The coffee husk and pulp were dried, ground and sieved using a 150 microns diameter sieve. The resultant powder was analyzed using IKA C200 bomb calorimeter. The Heat values produced per unit mass from coffee husk and pulp were 15.389KJg-1 and 13.755KJg-1 respectively. Further analysis showed that both coffee pulp and coffee husks could be used as fuels for renewable energy. However, from the findings, it is recommended that coffee husks should be preferred as a better source of fuel since it generated 1.634KJg-1 more energy than the coffee pulp. Comprehensive study should be carried out on the two samples to obtain a complete fuel description of the samples.
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