
paddy and locally milled rice marketers in the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. It specifically examined the marketing efficiencies and factors influencing marketing efficiencies of paddy and locally milled rice marketers in the study area. Primary data were collected using well-structured pre-tested questionnaires while a multistage sampling technique was adopted to obtain responses from respondents. Descriptive (mean, frequency and percentages) and inferential statistics (shepherd’s index and multiple regression analysis) were used to analyze the data. In using shepherd’s index, the results revealed 78% and 77% marketing efficiencies for paddy and locally milled rice respectively while the multiple regression analysis revealed sex, household size, availability of storage facility and contract marketing arrangement were significant to marketing efficiency of paddy rice; while membership of a market association, cost of purchasing rice, selling price of rice, availability of storage facility and contract arrangement were significant to marketing efficiency of locally milled rice. The study concludes that paddy rice marketers are more efficient in the study area and therefore recommends the initiation of more contract arrangements between investors and marketers in the area, while marketers should be encouraged to join marketing associations to take advantage of the endless benefits to be gained. It also recommends the formulation of policies that favour inclusivity of youths and women in the trade.


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